Afterburner Turboshift Acrylic Paint
Afterburner Turboshift Acrylic Paint
Scorched earth and cool skies.
Afterburner which appears red in the bottle has our widest range of colors in a shift paint. Moving from a warm copper through a yellow gold front facing color to a light green rim. Applied in 1-2 coats over a black base this paint can give you a beetle shell effect; applied in 3-5 coats it gives you the full saturation as seen in the product images.
It is intended for use over a black undercoat.
Turboshift paints are made with tiny glass-like flakes that work like millions of small prisms within the paint. Depending on how the flakes are made, different colors are refracted or reflected in the light. In layman's terms this means that the paint changes color depending on what light you are viewing it under, and what angle you are holding it to that light.
Formulated for airbrush use, but may also be hand brushed.