Age Of Sigmar: Aether War
Age Of Sigmar: Aether War
This set contains 18 plastic Citadel Miniatures, including:
Kharadron Overlords:
1x Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit, the ideal leader for your sky-fleets and currently exclusive to this set
6x Skyriggers – buildable as Endrinriggers or Skywardens
1x Grundstok Gunhauler – a fast and mobile weapons platform armed with your choice of cannon
Disciples of Tzeentch:
1x Magister on Disc of Tzeentch – an airborne master of magic currently only available in this set
6x Tzaangor Enlightened/Skyfires – disc-riding beastmen armed with savage spears or long-ranged greatbows
3x Screamers of Tzeentch – daemonic sky-beasts capable of shredding enemies in brutal fly-by attacks
Additionally, this set includes:
The 41-Page Aether War Book – including lore, art, battleplans, aerial battle rules and more
Warscroll Cards – offering you quick-reference rules for all the Citadel miniatures in this set
Hidden Agenda Cards – cards for tracking the in-game objectives of the Disciples of Tzeentch and the rewards they receive for fulfilling them
A double sided card token sheet – perfect for tracking ongoing effects