Original Adventures Reincarnated #3 Expedition To The Barrier Peaks
Original Adventures Reincarnated #3 Expedition To The Barrier Peaks
Original Adventures Reincarnated #3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (5E Adventure, Hardback). From a mysterious cave high in the Barrier Peaks, they come: savage raiders of unknown origin laying waste to castle and keep, leaving no survivors. The land is in turmoil and only a band of stalwart heroes dares to launch an expedition into the soaring mountains to stamp out this vile menace. What they discover in those lofty peaks is something beyond their comprehension. A danger spawned from the very stars above. A crashed starship, buried for centuries beneath the Barrier Peaks, has awoken, and now its alien inhabitants?crazed robots, eerie androids, and even stranger things?endanger the world. The adventurers must confront these threats and navigate the unearthly interior of the wrecked starship, puzzling over and mastering alien technology to defeat their foes. If you?ve ever had the urge to zap an umber hulk with a laser rifle while commanding a robotic servant, this adventure is for you! This tome is an homage to the original fantasy and science-fiction dungeon expedition that began decades ago with S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Herein you will find high-quality scans from multiple printings of the original first edition adventure module, plus commentary by gaming luminaries. A full fifth edition conversion of the original adventure is included, as well as brand new additional adventure locations and a dungeon level to expand and develop the spaceship and the surrounding environs. This is the perfect framework for a fully playable extended dungeon delve, suitable for taking your fifth edition campaign in out-of-this-world directions, with a distinct old-school vibe. Originally run was a tournament adventure at Origins II, the adventure was published by TSR in 1980. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is a famous adventure module, because it mixes ?science fiction? and ?fantasy.? For this reason it is both well known, and an enduring favorite for those who played it during its heyday. The 5E conversion is consistent with the original design principles, and also offers new avenues for exploration. In the adventure, characters come across a spaceship that has crash landed into your fantasy world, and have to deal with the consequences. Which include robots, plant people, and a zoo of alien creatures. And ray guns. It has ray guns. The OAR volume will also include complete scans of the original 1E publication. This includes both the adventure booklet as well as the extensive book of handouts that was part of the original publication. Dedicated fans may already know that the handout art changed between printings. Three handout illustrations were changed between the first (1980) and second (1981) printings of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and most of the remaining handouts were renumbered. The OAR volume will include scans of both versions of the handout booklets. For those of you who have an old ragged copy of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks in your personal collection, you will be able to discover which set of handouts you never had the chance to see before!